
Hi. I'm Milind Kaduskar.
I design for work, and for leisure. Leisure has some more vents though - writing, music, painting.

I've grown up in Ahmedabad, where I also completed my bachelors in Computer Engineering from Nirma University. I then lived in Mumbai for two years while I studied Interaction Design at IDC, IIT Bombay. I worked as an Experience Designer for Adobe Systems. Before that, I used to work with Samsung India Software Operations as a lead designer. I have done some user research while at work. If you are curious what research I've been up to, I have a few publications floating out there:
I have now started my own design studio with my wife, Pratibha. It's called And/Or Design. Do drop in and take a look!

Apart from work, I like to spend time writing as you may discover through this website. I also dabble in photography although, I'm not a pro - I'm more like the guy who photographers dislike because he carries around a DSLR like he knows what to do with it :P. I play a wee bit of music too - my instruments of choice are the mandolin and the flute. Its strictly self-taught, so I may not be too polished. It doesn't really matter because I have a lot of fun playing them. If you want to give a listen, there's a sample at the bottom of this page from my soundcloud page.

So.. thats me. How about you? Drop me a mail at milindveekay[at]gmail[dot]com if you want to get in touch.

Have we already met? Then I'd love to stay in touch:

Or if you are interested in my work, we could always connect up here:
View Milind Kaduskar's profile on LinkedIn

Finally, here's the bulky soundcloud player. Some of these sounds are the result of impromptu (and incredibly fun) jamming sessions with Biju on the guitar. Pratibha also joins us in one of these to beat the hell out of the drum kit! Hope you enjoy these. We sure did have fun making them.

Thanks a lot for stopping by :)
Oh and by the way, I also run a webcomic about absurdities of the corporate life - http://worklifebalancecomics.blogspot.com :)
(Font used in the site header is Christopher Hand. You can get it here if you want - its free.)